These coils are used as a cushion to the tablets in the upper void space while the final stage of packing the tablets into automation or manual packing. The void (Empty) space inside the HDPE bottles or glass bottles causes high damage like breaking the coating of the coated tablets and this rattling effect can be avoided by using our Absorbent cotton.

This cotton having absorbent quality eradicates the usage of the Silica gel pouches as they avoid tablets getting in direct contact with moisture and providing protection against the Rattling effect during Transit or Storage.
Moisture causes stickiness to the tablets which are been eliminated with the help of our Absorbent cotton.
TThese Cotton are available in Spools from 5kg spools to 20Kg spools which are user-friendly for the automatic cotton inserter machines in pharmaceutical Packaging, whereby due to the low amount of moisture the cutter cuts a perfect amount of Inch measurement and inserts cotton on the top of the bottles.
Coils we provide are of three grades Cotton, Rayon and Polyester which are Absorbent cotton and Non-Absorbent Rolls.